supporting the memorial


Mt. Tom B-17 Memorial Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation dedicated to the perpetual care and preservation of the Mt. Tom B-17 Memorial.  Please click the Donate button above if you would like to make a tax deductible contribution.

Mt tom b-17 memorial committee

The Mt. Tom B-17 Memorial Committee is comprised of men and women of the Pioneer Valley from all walks of life and occupations. Their original mission was to answer the haunting phrase: “I think those young men deserve some honor.” The committee’s first organizational meeting was held in January, 1995. From that day forward, the committee never looked back and worked tirelessly toward the Dedication Ceremony held July 9th, 1996.

Past and present committee members include:

Linda Abrams
Robert Adams
John Borowski (Chair)
Robert Cahillane (Honorary Chair)
Steven Connor
Norman Cote
Major Stephen Edelman
Brian Farrell
Garson Fields
John Geran
Theodore Gratkowski

Bill Hobbie
Evan Johnston
Paul Lapinski
Rick Lee
James Mahoney
Debbie Malek
Randy Malek
David Moore
James Morrissey
Stan Parsons

Jesus Pereira (Past Chair)
Jacob Robinson
Larry Santos
Bud Shuback
Robert Schwobe
Bill Simmons
Mary Snyders
Edward Stankiewicz
Dorothy Warm Stettner
Richard Verock



For more information, please get in touch by clicking the Contact button above.